

Primary School and Pre-School

Learning and Growing Together

Contact Details

Bay Class

Bay Class


    Bay Class is home to Years 5 and 6. Bay Class is situated in a large, dedicated classroom, with its own toilet facilities. 


    Bay Class is named after Bridgwater Bay, the destination for the River Parrett as it joins the Bristol Channel.


    Bay Class is taught by Mrs Bethan Mockridge, Mr Sluman, Mrs Selby (TA) and Mrs Turnbull (TA).



    Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday.

    All clothing needs to be clearly named to avoid anything getting lost.

    For the Autumn Term the Monday P.E. session with be swimming, at Trinity 1610 pool.



    Children are expected to read at least 4 times at home during the week. Please could you write in the name of the book, pages read and sign this in your child’s reading log. We will be collecting the number of reads per week every Friday to monitor reading.


    Maths homework is set on a Friday and the children need to bring it in on the following Friday.

    All children are encourage to practise their times tables at home, this should include using TT Rockstars.


    Spellings will be sent home every Friday to reinforce spelling patterns and strategies introduced throughout the week in spelling sessions and learn the statutory spellings. Please could you encourage your child to practise these at home. Practise at home could included completing the spelling quiz on Purple Mash, each week. Spelling homework sheets will be collected and a spelling test be carried out on the following Friday.

    Bay Class Curriculum Maps 2024-25
