Trips and Visits
Swimming is an essential skill for life and an important aspect of the National Curriculum, adding also to a child's confidence and personal growth. Children across the school will have the opportunity to develop their swimming skills at different times during the school year.
Educational Visits
Developing an understanding of the world around them is a vital part of any learners education. As such, we are always keen to enhance learning opportunities through the considered use of educational visits. Children in all classes will have the opportunity to go on educational visits throughout the year. Recent visits have included visiting Haynes Motor Museum to develop their understanding of transport, a trip to Rodway Farm and a Brewhouse Theatre trip to watch 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Such trips combine the benefits of additional resources providing intensive National Curriculum input with social skills learning and team building opportunities.
Residential Trips
For children to get the most out of their abilities, to broaden their horizons and to offer the opportunity to discover new talents and skills they sometimes have to leave the boundaries of the classroom and experience a wide range of challenges and activities that go above and beyond what they usually learn. We believe that Residential visits provide a wonderful opportunity to enhance our curriculum, to develop teamwork and social skills and even to recognise and conquer fears.
Children in Key Stage 2 will have the opportunity to experience the outdoor and adventurous activities offered by PGL.
This year we also plan to take the Year 6s to London to celebrate the end of SATs week!