

Primary School and Pre-School

Learning and Growing Together

Contact Details

Key Information

Our Key Priorities

In order to make rapid school improvement we have produced a School Development Plan for 2024-2025. The purpose of this plan, which is a working document that is regularly reviewed and updated, is to improve the teaching and learning within the school by prioritising and detailing key issues for development. We have given ourselves 6 key priorities.


Strand 1

To improve students outcomes by raising standards and improving progress.


Strand 2

To ensure that all students’ reading ages are at least within six months of their chronological age.


Strand 3

To nurture our ambitious curriculum which develops depth of knowledge, instils cultural capital and offers challenge.


Strand 4

To improve our school site and operation so that it contributes towards tackling the climate challenges.


Strand 5

 To ensure consistency of provision at Little Otters





Please follow the links below to find more key information on the day to day running of the school
